The Hidden Power of PopcornA few days ago, as I was resting, I couldn’t help but think about all the things I need to do in order to get my business going, and to announce the soft launch of my business this weekend.
As I was listening to all my thoughts, fears and “to-do’s,” I realized that I could continue making excuses for a very long time as to why I wasn’t ready to announce the launch of my new business - I don’t have a lot of free time since I’m still homeschooling, I already feel disorganized at home, my son still needs a lot of guidance during homeschooling and throughout the days, the YouTube videos I watched said I should do x, y, and z, etc. And thinking about all of these things was feeling like a dead weight dragging my energy down, and making it feel impossible to continue moving forward. Then I thought about popcorn.
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